If you pressed the "Watch Now" button and reached this page, it's because we're not currently broadcasting live. But here is a schedule of what we have planned and links to events that were recorded.
9:00 AM
Get some exercise by joining our walkers in the FLC gym.
Week of March 16th

March 16
9:00 AM
Please join us in person, on our website, or live on YouTube for non-traditional worship service.
March 16
10:00 AM
Please join us between services for faith formation for all ages.

March 16
11:00 AM
Please join us in person, on our website, or live on YouTube for traditional worship service.

March 17
9:00 AM
Bring your sneakers and get some exercise walking in the FLC Gym.
March 17
4:45 PM
The Lutheran Men in Mission will be leaving from the MSLC parking lot to serve at the men's shelter.
March 17
7:00 PM
The Finance team will be meeting in the FLC Conference Room.
March 18
11:00 AM
The Centering Prayer group will be meeting in FLC Room 134 and on Zoom.

March 18
7:00 PM
Join our Tuesday night Bible Study group in the Fellowship Halls.
March 18
7:00 PM
The Radiance Ringers will be rehearsing in the bell room.

March 19
3:00 PM
The Spirit Bells, a new adult bell choir, will be rehearsing in the bell room.
March 19
5:15 PM
Dinner will be served at 5:15 in the FLC Gym. Those who wish to join in can be a part of rapid fire choir at 5:45 for 15 minutes of practice.
March 19
6:00 PM
See the Beacon for the Lenten Happening offerings for all ages.

March 19
7:00 PM
Join us for Holden Evening Prayer Service in the worship center.

March 20
10:00 AM
Join Pastor John on Facebook Live for Coffee and Bible Study.
March 20
6:00 PM
The Joyful Noise Ringers rehearsing in the bell room

March 20
7:05 PM
The Praise and Chancel Choirs rehearsing in the choir room. All voices are welcome!

March 21
9:00 AM
Bring your sneakers and get some exercise walking in the FLC Gym.

March 23
9:00 AM
Please join us in person, on our website, or live on YouTube for non-traditional worship service.
March 23
10:00 AM
Please join us between services for faith formation for all ages.

March 23
11:00 AM
Please join us in person, on our website, or live on YouTube for traditional worship service.